Friday, November 21, 2008

Loans and Friends.

Which is more important to you? Money or friendship/relationship?

Throughout my life, I have given some loans to my friends and relatives from time to time. I am not a rich person, thus the reason I am giving my view on this matter.

From my personal experience, only 30% of the loans taken by my friends/relatives are paid back to me. This put me in a very grave position as financial is concern.

I come to a conclusion that whenever a friend/relative ask for a loan, whatever the amount, I will ask myself, how much am I willing/I can afford to GIVE them? Thus I will give that amount and nothing more. So when they did not pay, I do not really feel the pain.

Lately my life is getting better. I am loosing none of my friends/relatives.


anaiis said...

Umm, this may sound selfish but I would say it's money.Money does make everything go round including the world. With money, you could buy relationship, escorts, even sex toys :p

kawaii_desu said...

I AGREE with anaiis

just ask urself, if ur sick or in return u need assistance from them, are they willing to do the same??

help within capacity and to those who deserves


Nour said...

never mix money and friends or money and relatives...someone will
eventually get pissed! hehe...oh well..if it is really genuine and that person really needs to pinjam between life and death kinda thing..that we shld consider :-D

Tynna said...

Your theory is fine DG...lend a certain amount so when they fail to return it...hati tak sakit dan bertanya2...will use your style too...babut lah!! :))

Dade Ghost said...

Anaiis and KD, there is nothing wrong choosing money over friends, just that personally, I find friends much more valuable than money. So many times I am in "jam","fixed" or trouble, friends will pull me thru... even where lack of money was concerned.... So I treasure friendship and try to save some money for rainy days!

Nour I couldn't agree more....

KH babut?? Whats that?... Ermm... u r my kind of friend....

kawaii_desu said...

ur lucky to have such friends, tok hehe

i've been thru situations that just teach me to be more 'careful'

Dade Ghost said...

KD my friends owe me in the sum of 6 digits.... hehehe... so am I lucky? Or I make myself feel lucky?

At this old age, I realised that money u can find, but true friendship? Ermm that is difficult!

Tynna said...

bagus = babut...chinese way of pronouncing it Dade Ghost...:p

kawaii_desu said...

Adoi tok... 6 DIGITS???
Biaq betui???

lomah den cenggini

Dade Ghost said...

KH Bagus in Malaysia, Chinese pronounce something like "baguih" or "bagut", but never heard "babut"... hehehe whatever, I will remember in Singapore... I will say it "babut".

KD y? I am old, thru out the years, it all adds up to that amount. Those unpaid hutang... I belief u will too by the time u hit my age! Well at least I know I still have lots of friends, and one of them is u!

kawaii_desu said...

he TOK, baguih is not in chinese la... org penang la yg cakap lagu tu huhuhu

ask me :)

Cosmic_GurL said...

Tough's dangerous to mix money with friends/relatives...boleh putus kawan...sometimes i dont understand...kalau dah pandai pinjam, takkan tak reti nak bayar balik? sendiri mau ingat la...

Dade Ghost said...

KD orang China kat my home town ade gak sebut camtu....

CG yes it is tough, so not to loose friends if u want to loan them money, might as well give them what u can afford....

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t o r t s said...

both equally important. but i personally hate it when people take me for granted and in islam, when smone pinjam anything from you, it is required of you to remind him/her of the loan.. whether it is repaid/returned or not - 2nd matter. janji - you 'lepas'. may god bless u!
