Thursday, March 08, 2012

My English.

Pardon my English. It has gone from bad to worst. Some say it, from bad to badder. Ermm....

I am not an advocate of English language, but I acknowledge, English has its advantages. I remembered a friend, that does not have any paper qualification, but is doing well in England, with only English as her tools to survive there.

The first time I met her, her broken English was so bad. But I noticed that she does not show any reaction when people snigger's or laugh at her spoken broken English. She just kept on persistently to better her English. She now speaks with a Londoner slang, but one can still catch a few broken English in her sentences.

As I say, my English is not perfect, but the degree that Malaysian graduates, especially, local graduates English has gone down the drain. Sometimes I could not make any sense of their sentences. So what can WE do about it? I think we should talk more in English. Encourage our local graduates to read English blogs, written by Malaysian.

Any other idea to better or upgrade the English language in Malaysia? I would like to hear your ideas and comments. Someone told me yesterday, to approach the government body, and collaborate with them to better the English amongst our local graduates. So I am waiting for your ideas and comments. Thank you.

1 comment:

ME said...

its hard to make malaysians do what they dnt like but well everytime they chat w me in malay i answer it in english n they call me kerek
