Monday, June 25, 2007

What have I been doing these past few weeks.....

Other than I am busy with work.... (What is new?)

And I am not happy with work.

I took a long break....hehehe.. that was fun.

So, I, in the beginning was learning to do the slide show..... it went well. I did a few slides... and was about to retrieve my old pics... hehehe... luckily I did not. Or you will be seeing lots of old travel pics! Maybe next time, I will bore you all with the old pics.

Then I stumble on the "video clips" that Blogger was testing. Hehehe... I did a few clips. I find it very interesting. I am thinking of incorporating video clips on my sex 101 topics.... (kidding ok!) but then again... maybe....

Interestingly I was cleaning up my humble abode. I realized that I have been keeping lots of old letters (from banks, EPF, Income Tax etc). So I threw away most of it. And I found at least 4 full computer sets with printers.... but all were junks. I will be selling it to the "keling botol"..... or the "old newspaper" man.

I have been repairing broken water pipes and faucets. All these I have been neglecting, cause I am supposedly busy!

Lastly, I still feel like shit. I am looking for a new job! Or.... I propose to the management a major revamp in the company. Something like changing the owners! Which are the management.... hehehe.... looks like I go find a new job.....

P/S: I bought a wireless mouse yesterday. I spent 30 minutes trying to figure out while reading the instruction in English on how to insert the batteries..... Made in China products are cool, but the manual is another story..... Ermm I think I can do a great job in China... writing manuals for them!


kawaii_desu said...

i think somebody as strong as u should stick a lil longer in that absurd company, dont tell me u want all the stupid management to ctrl everything?

u leave, they win...
but then again it's entirely up 2 u. work for satisfaction...

we r both very unhappy bout our working conditions and situations, and yet...

we're still here..
hang on ok buddy!!

-at least u have time to do 'spring cleaning'. it's a good therapy actually, make u realize many things that u might have overlooked all of these while.... (look who's giving da advice haha)

p/s: thanks for the advice, made me realize how stupid i am... for suppressing myself that way...

Diyanazman said...

panjangnya komen farah... huhu..
yeah dade ghost... sometimes work really sux!!!

Suraya said...

if u go to china, lemme know. nak ikut :P

teek said...

good luck in finding new job or not..or whatever you decide!


Dade Ghost said...

Kawai Desu... in any situation it can be visualize from so many angles .... Who knows I might be able to change the owners??? The Pandora Box is opened....
Hey! All of us are given choice to decide what action is needed in our daily live, so choose the best for yourself......

Di work sucks, and at times so does life.... but how we tackle it, I think makes the different at the end of the day....

Easy.... hehehe... When I visited China a few years ago... there were lots of potentials... U dont have to wait for me....

Teek thanks. U got a new job?

Freak and Geek said...

long break? hols?

Dade Ghost said...

Freak... not hols la..more of long break... Wouldn't it be nice to go for a holiday?
