Monday, October 06, 2008

It is good to be back to work... what work?

Monday .. darn bloody Monday. Or is it black Monday?

Whatever it is, I am not that happy. Have been in a foul mood for over a week. Tried to overcome this nasty feelings, but it just get me down.

List of my grievances:

1) Lost the keys to my bike. Ermm maybe I will take some pics of me and my bike....

2) People dont understand me, or is it I dont understand people.

3) I am lost at work. Maybe I have been lost most of my time at work. But this time, I am ridiculously lost!

4) Over the weekend saw a monkey and wild cat got hit on the road. Guess these wild animals are lost like me. Will I get hit on the highway of life?

5) Pay cut! It hurts...

6) Love hurts....

7) Lots of broken promises.....

But again... is there a silver lining I am beginning to see... over the horizon??? Ermm maybe....

This life (whatever is left) must goes on....

I am back... gone.. and back again.....

Now I am lost.


kawaii_desu said...


i feel u..
i damn lost too...
i thought i know my way around but end up lost big time...

i guess in this life alone we got resurrected few times.


Cosmic_GurL said...

Why pay cut?

Well, what more can I is called a Black Monday for a reason

Tynna said...'s great to have you back Tok ( ikut KD )
keep on writing and like i always say...F the world and everything in it except me...:p

Faze said...

Gawd! That pic freaked me out. Wasn't expecting it.

Pay cut .. hmm... that hurts.
At times I feel kinda lost too..

Dade Ghost said...

KD I dare not feel u.... nanti Tok jadi gatal!

CG all the top management got a pay cut last month, and the first batch of retrenchment. This month another batch of rightsizing..... I hope no pay cut.... Economy and business has been not so good...

KH only KD can call me Tok la... she is so young. U got to call me abang... kan dah mengatal lagi.. isk, teruk la I ni kan...

Faze, we all are at lost from time to time... just need some beacon or lighthouse to give some direction....

ME said...

I like statement no (2). Do you know yourself in the first place??? ;) Cheers

Tynna said...

OOps sowwy bang...ingat Tok macam title gitu...hehehhehehe..
ceh! dah start lah nih...abang!!

Dade Ghost said...

Lynna so do u know urself??

KH Ye adik... I am older than u by a few years! Tok is a title... grandad!
