Monday, January 30, 2012

What is a birthday?

I have reached a number that I tot, I wud have never reached, ever since I was 15. Well, I have surpassed my expiry date..... thats great?

Lets looked what happened to me since 2009.

Riding high in the corporate world in 2010. Only to be humbled.....

Lost my job late 2010. Still jobless till today. Now dont think that I have been sitting gracefully on my butt! I have been running around haggard, starting some food business. Failed or semi-cheated. He he he.... semi-cheated is a word I coined, after feeling being cheated by "partners" that do not have the intention to cheat u in business. But their action reflects so. Example: U invested some money and time to start the business. They even call u partner. But when the income is passed breaking even, suddenly, your partner do not remember, they have a partner.... I am left out cold.
So I have been some sort of consultant. And for about a year, actually working as a hard labor. It was a humbling experience. Burned under the hot sun, and drenched wet in the stormy rain. I was even a beach bum for about a month! Ooh some experience I got. Actually sitting and watching a couple making love on the beach a mere 5 meters away, passed midnite. And who says there is no topless sunbather in Malaysia? Not the type that lay flat on their belly, with their boobs hidden. This one actually flaunted her asset with her escort beside her....... Too bad, I do not have a clear picture. But here it is .....Still piecing up together what shit left is of me. At this golden age, even my shits has value.

On a brighter note, I fell in love on line. Not for the first time, but this one, got overboard, and went into my private life. Now am I in a mess? Lets see, so far I am happy....
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