Yeah I have very little common sense..... but much more than some people.
Malaysia have the highest fatal accident rates involving motorcycles. Common sense says we have to focus on:
a) Machine - the motorcycle itself. We want safe motorcycles on the roads.
b) Man (Riders & pillions) - Responsible, understanding and educated in the ethics of riding motorcycles.
If we can only make everyone understand, small motorcycles compared to the bigger (in size and engine capacity) are more dangerous. Therefore, smaller motorcycles should not be allowed on the highways. Yes there will be argument that says small bikes can be fast on highways. I agree. Last week I was driving at 120 km/hr, and a small bike of 110 cc overtook me!
Want to know why it is dangerous? As these small motorcycles are modified to go faster, but it is difficult to make them safer. At 120 km/hr, no way in an emergency that small motorcycle can stop immediately or abruptly without it loosing control!
I am for the people high up to reduce the tax tariff on bigger motorcycle so that it is affordable for most people. So that we can have more bigger safer motorcycles on the road.
Focus on the education and training of riders are utmost important. Motorcycle giants like Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki and the rest should take the initiative to educate riders using advertisements, campaign, seminars and on the road trainings and guides on safe riding. Safe riding is not about riding the motorcycles slowly, but to know one's limit.
There are more to it, but I would like remind myself and everyone, have some common sense in our everyday life. Make it beautiful and safe for you, and for everyone!! Have a great riding experience!
well yes, jgn cakap highway even on normal roads pun they( motorists) tend to selit sana sini, exposing themselves to danger.
while i agree with u tapi takut bila bigger bikes become affordable there be abuse of use pulak... for rempits especially
KD that is why education is important....
In fact looking at lots of things in Malaysia... I think lots of education is needed!!!! Not only sex education... hehe....
There is one time, a motorist just came out from the junction without looking .. when I honk him, he even stare at me with middle finger up .. what the hack!!
Hi DDD (Triple D, luckily not triple X)... I think in KL that will be the norm!
Just to add, I think the road traffic warden for upgrading works are all foreigners ... cause most of the time the signs and directionals does not make sense....
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