Friday, August 17, 2007

Of MC.

Nope I have not been recuperating. Actually I have been busy with work. By end of last week I was already 90% fit. Got the topic today while I was recuperating..... hehehe... I was on Medical Leave (MC).

This is what I learn about leaves.... there is Annual leave, Medical Leave and Emergency leave. What set me thinking was that while I was on MC, I found out that in labor law, one is entitled to so many MC in a year.

So I sat pondering, what happened if I was on MC for more than that..... it seems your employee can pay you half your salary..... then after a certain period, if you are still on MC, no pay at all. And after a certain period you are terminated. At least that was what I understood of the labor law here.

To those genuine MC cases (I use the word genuine) I feel sorry for them. Not only they are ill (that is the reason they have very long MC), they can be terminated in due course. Life can be cruel.

Then there is the other side of the story. I find it very interesting. I was having conversation with a few different people that has this interesting idea. It seems some people that knows that in a year there is a number of days that one can take MC, therefore to them one must make full use of it, even if they are not sick! I feel it is cheating the company.... but to these group of people it is their right. What do you think?


kawaii_desu said...

can u call that white lies...??
actually i also dont fully understand theses things...

kalau i MC pun by afternoon i'm already back in the office (u call that recuperating?)

bila ada di office xde pun org cari, but bila MC je, there'll be series of phone calls...

Nour said...

hmmm..I personally think that if one is sick one deserves the MC but never misuse the kelebihan given by the company!

Dade Ghost said...

KD next time u on MC u off your phone la....

Nour I agree with you....
