Monday, August 06, 2007

Seat belts are not safety belts.

Disclaimer : Names, places and story line has been changed or omitted to protect the owners.

It was early in the morning. I usually drove myself. I hate to be the passenger. But on that faithful early morning, I was the passenger.

We just finished our meeting and discussion. On my way back home, I decided to hitch a ride with one of my colleague. This is something I seldom do....

We do not talked that much, as we have done so much talking and discussing in the office. We were listening to the slow rock music from the radio. I could not remember the channel. Hot FM was it?

Then I remembered we approached a four junction traffic light. The light was green. My colleague slowed down as we entered the junction. That was all I remembered.

The next thing I remembered I was in the emergency hall of a hospital. My colleague's head was bandaged and bloody. He was conscious, I recalled. Me, I was still in one piece, with slight injuries to my leg. My ugly face still intact.

For the first few hours, my mind was blank. I felt helpless, I cant recall what happened that early morning. I was so frustrated, I cant even remember what year it was. All was just one blank and void feeling.

It seems I lost my short term memory. When my other colleague and family arrived I can recognised them. However, I cant recall what happened.

Gradually after staying nearly two days in the hospital, I can recall what happened up to the traffic light, after that one void and blank feeling, then it resume in the emergency room of the hospital.

Until today I cant recall what happened during that void and blank moment. I was told, we were in an automobile accident. Apparently, the other vehicle hit us from the driver's side. Most probably the driver was drunk or damn sleepy! It took him 2 days to do his police report......

As for my colleague, thank Allah it was not worse. He got more than 20 stitches to his head. A smashed jaw, which need a 4 hour operation. And a fractured leg. He too cant remember of the actual accident.

If I understand correctly, the doctor told us, it is common for accident victims to loose their short term memories when they are not aware of the impending accident. Accident victim who saw or notice the impending accident, will be able to remember the incident. Due to the unforeseen trauma, accident victim like me, might never recall the actual accident at all.

So now I am still recuperating. From this incident I learn, that air bags do keep you from heavily injured in a normal accident. But seat belts (not safety belts!) makes your body sore and full of bruises. My stomach, back and shoulders are still full of bruises, very sore and soft......

My advice to all that is in any vehicle on the road, to be aware at all time. You can never know, when it is your time to be involve in an accident. Take care you all.

Hehehe.... for me, taking a flower bath is just a figure of speech.


kawaii_desu said...

pantang maut sebelum ajal...
malang tak berbau...

thank Allah that ur ok.
Thank Allah also that u dont remember the incident or else, u'll have sleepless nights la nampak gayanya...

so how r u now?

sometimes it's difficult beiung on the road, if ur careful, others might not...

anyway, it's time for u 2 take some rest. so what happen to the damn driver that hit u guys? any legal action on him/her??

Anonymous said...

oh! DG, take care. alhamdulillah u are still alive. ada hikmah sebalik nie. i hope you are ok now. rest for now ok.

Cosmic_GurL said...

Oh dear! Alhamdulillah all is well. I tell you, one should not be driving when one is sleepy or drunk!! Berlambak2 advert dlm tv tu takkan la this people tak realise how dangerous it is? Sigh...

Faze said...

oh my! Thank goodness you're ok. Rest well ya!

ME said...

Sorry to hear that but, hope you are better now...

Angel Eyes said...

Take care dude.

Dade Ghost said...

KD Alhamdulillah it was not worst. The other person has done a police report, saying they are at fault. It is up to my colleague to pursue the matter legally..... He is still in the hospital.. and may take months to recover...

Guile I am ok... in fact I realised I got a hard head!

Cosmic gurl... I always pray I am not the one driving sleepy or drunk...

Missy... I am resting... but it is so bored....

Lynna I am much better... in fact I value life more.... a second later and I would think that I would have been in the land here after....

Angel eyes... yeah... I am more alert times phobia when I hit a junction or traffic lights...

Seeking Solace said...

Consider youself lucky and that you're not a dead dade ghost!

My friend was in a car accident, he was the driver but his best friend who was in the passenger seat was not so lucky.... bless his soul...

Hyphenated L said...

wishing you a speedy recovery...physically and mentally... ;)

kawaii_desu said...

feel sorry 4 u and ur friend...
get well soon...
masuk keje tak ni? cuti berapa lama?

Tynna said...

Dade Ghost ! I hope you're feeling better ! this thing just happened? sure the car that hit you was not the guy who threatened to kill you?.....
hehe ! joking la Dade Ghost dearest!! :p

Dade Ghost said...

SS alahamdulillah. Allah stil wants me here.

HL thanks. I appreciate your presence here...

KD dah keje la... aku cuma tak ingat kejadian tu je.... kawan aku tu la masih di rumah.

KH no la its not that person.... it happened last week.

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

brader..pheww...alhamdulillah tak jadi apa2. eh yang u blogging ni pasai berehat..!!!
concussion ke tu??

take care bro..!!!

kawaii_desu said...

take a good rest ok. dont push urself...

may u and ur friend have fast recovery ok...

Apples said...

Gee uncle, take care and drive safely..

suzequatro said...

good to hear that you are alrite. take care DG.

Hyphenated L said...

dg, just wanted to say that in as much you that you have bruises all over your body due to the seat belts.. i can assure you it has saved your life. without it you could have been thrown out of the car.

this has been a safety message brought to you by Hyphenated L.. (chewah, iklan la p'lak..)

Dade Ghost said...

Missy not concussion la just trauma kot?

KD thanks...

Nor where have u been? Thanks.

SuziQ Thanks... I am ok...

HL I am writing the next post, due to your comment...
