Monday, December 17, 2007

Marathon Man.

Guess what? I think I watched not less than 5 movies.... yeah my mind is dull due to watching a marathon of movies over the weekend.

Let me try to recall the movies..... Hey do not expect me to remember the title or the leading characters.... hehehe... that is my weakness.... My memory is kaput...

1) I think it started when a man sat a bus stop. He saw a man about to kill a pregnant lady. He tried saving the lady. He even helped the lady deliver a baby, while shooting out with the bad guy....

The lady died, and the journey begins for him and the baby. It was about a crooked business man and a politician manipulating people to achieve their dream.

My rating it is just an ok movie. Watch out for the scene when he was making love, simultaneously shooting out with the bad guys.... and his partner climaxed! Hehehe...

2) 2nd movie about this killer. One bad tough huge dude. He was betrayed and his love life was killed by his own gang.

Served his sentence and bent on revenge. He was very focus. For a slow poke, well he was pictured as not bright, he does focus and planned well.

The thing that the movie was so obviously trying to tell is how, misunderstanding and miscommunication, can easily happened and result in devastating effect. In this story how the gangs that was controlling the drugs in that city actually wiped out each other....

I rate this movie as ok.

3) This movie was about the dragons. The story line was a little bit different, and taken from the folklore of Korea.

Awesome graphics for the battle scenes. A little bit sad. Very bad acting. My rating, it barely make it to ok. If your really are bored then watch this movie.

4) This one is about the walking dead. A man rescuing a lady in distress (whats new?). Lady supposedly have a cure to the zombie disease.

Very bad story line. Very bad acting. Waste of my time. This is definitely a B rated movie!

5) This movie also barely make it to the "ok" category. It gaves me a few laugh. I can say that this one is a little bit weird. Imagine what the game ping pong got to do with espionage?

Well as it is a comedy movie, it pulls thru. For those that loves funny movies, this can be considered a good movie. The cast was not so well known, except for Christoper Walken. Anybody seen or remember Chris in the movie "Deer Hunter"? "Deer Hunter" is a great ever movie!

6) Hey I actually watched more than 5 movies! It was a marathon.... and I aim to do that again during the long holidays this weekend! Yeaaaaaah!

This movie is a Thai movie. I think those who like fighting scenes, drama, relationship kind of story line, should see this movie. I easily picked this movie as the best for this week!

It is a story about friendship, how 3 friends from the "backwaters" try to make it in Bangkok. How two of them sacrifies for one of them to make it in the world. One even sacrifies his own love....

It is a fighting story, when most scene are good fighting cheoragraphy. Not as good as "Ong Bak", but still great.

It is an underworld movie in Bangkok. Be ready for some brutal killings and gory scenes. No nudity.... hehehe....

It is a very good relationship story. Story about sacrifices and what seems to be betrayal. There was even some romantic scenes.

It is a sad movie. I am not ashame to say I shed some tears.... Usually only Hindi movies can make me cry.... That is why I have not seen Hindi Movie for quiet sometime.

That is all folks for movie review this week. Hopefully more soon.

P/S: This is for Kuzz and all my friends. Watching those movies makes me want to write this paragraph. What I have written in this blog pertaining to my job have been true, accept for one thing. I was not FIRED! I resigned, as I got a better offer. Wish me luck people. Thanks for your understanding and support. Forgive me if any of you are pissed off due to my lie.....


Cosmic_GurL said...

No. 5 tu sounds like Balls of Fury...amboi, got a lot of time to watch movies huh? Hehehe..

Slmt Hari Raya AidilAdha, DG :))

Diyanazman said...

you sure have lotsa free time! :)

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

apakah i terlalu benak,sampai satu movie pon i cannot teka one.

takpela bang..i faham u menipu!

Angel Eyes said...

Fuyooo.... jom tgk wayang!

kawaii_desu said...

errr tok... understand but semuanya not famailiar with...

anyway, if u need to take a break, why all are heavy movies execpt for the comedy number u watched.

if i tgh nak calm down... to watch mind boggling movies in a row wouldnt be an option la bro, i mean tok huhuhuhu

my idea of movies getaway is with the likes of the golden compass or enchanted...

Sastri said...

aisey... i must say, none of the movies u've watched sound familiar to me... cuba tgk balik dvds tu and tulis title movie tu bole tak? :p

Nurul Abid said...

Whenever I decide to go for movie marathon thingy, I always end up watching crappy movie lor....

Your entry about your job pun I think can make a good movie plot...sooo twisted ler DG.

Dade Ghost said...

CG u r right on the name of the movie. I was dead bored la....

Di, more of dead bored la...

Kuzz nanti I cuba ingat title dia... Kuzz sorry la I tipu...

KD enchanted ada, tapi belum tengok..... golden compass belum... hehehe...

Sastri I cuba ingat apa nama2 movie tu...

Nurul ya ka.. can make good movie... mesti tak laku wei...

Ok the name of the movie were (If Correct la)
1) Tak ingat.
2) For a fistful of cash.
3) Dragon war.
4) The Omega Man.
5) Ball of Fury (Fire)
6) Muay Tai Santya (tak sure la)

Nour said...

oh my...5 movies in a row...kalau I tu mesti dah tertidur...:)

Tynna said...

hehe...real marathon this...:D

Faze said...

mak aii! sungguh tak familiar all the movies itu.

anyway, Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to DG and all his readers :)

ME said...

hey the first movie i can recall the title it is 'SHOOT EM UP'

Dade Ghost said...

Nour kena enjoy the movies la....

KH not THE MARATHON that I think u have done... hehehe...

Faze... see the Thai movie... best...

Farmie... u r right. I looked at the cover to confirmed it...

kawaii_desu said...

TOK, hapdet la tok

lion3ss said...

DG - I wish I could be at home on a movie marathon! Instead I am counting thehours in the office.

Good luck with your new job!
