Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Once upon a time when I was small......

Everytime Hari Raya, I will remember my childhood days. Both my parents have long gone. Thus I think Hari Raya will fill me with nostalgia.....

I have not thought about it for so long, and I can hardly remember the memories. We lived in the village. I was maybe about 6 years old then..... hehehe.... yeah I am really old! Electricity just came to our village then....

So being so called a better off family, we had the first television in the village. This was what I vaguely remembered.

On every Friday night there will be many of the villagers coming to our house. Some came early, just after Magrib. Those who arrived late will be sitting at the veranda. If I am not mistaken at 8 pm was the malay movie playing.

If it was a good movie, the crowd could be more than 30 people, on average it will be about 20 people. I remembered watching those movies on the lap of my late mother. Those were the days.... so simple.....

After the show, usually after 10 pm, they will all leave, some rode bicycles. I noticed that most of them will handshake my mother, giving her 10 cents.... and I saw some living 5 cents at the veranda railings.

That memory haunts me....


terrarosa said...

TV elektric ? kaya tu..
me ? just tumpang tengok
tv yg guna kuasa battery kat umah mak sedara , gambo ? hitam puteh...

che'fara said... must be so simple so laid back at that time kan.

Dade Ghost said...

Terra.. tak kaya la wei.... biasa je... orang kampung... memang tv hitam putih la... TV color 5 tahun kemudian kot?

Che Fara life was so simple then... very simple... Thanks for dropping by...

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

dade ghost
nasib baik la depa pukui saploh dah reti balik rumah. kot kalau ada satellite tv ka, astro ka, epl ka, "tak jalan keja malam2 tu"...
ahhh life was so simple back then...

ubisetela said...

We had the first "TV kaler" in the kampung. I remember we had our hall full of children at nights, not many adults (they had their TV itam putih already, i think). Most of these kids fell asleep in front of the tv, parents had to come and carry them home!

Dade Ghost said...

Missie, those time ppl sleep after Isyak... about 9 the latest la....

Ubi that was wonderful memories....

Tynna said...

hmmmm...the Bujang Lapok days eh dade Ghost , when P. Ramlee was sweet....

Zetty said...

such a touching entry. senyum-senyum melancholic makcik lepas baca entry ni.

kawaii_desu said...

how nice...

back then the village people but jenis beringat jugak...
quite thoughtful.... leaving money... dulu (if this memory took place zaman black and white) 10cents worth a lot.

i dont have such memory, tv mmg wujud since i lahir but sistem jamban at our village back then is somethhing that will make laugh out loud whenever i remember them...

seriious lawak...

Cosmic_GurL said...

Oh are THAT old. Ahaks! I still remember when TV3 was first introduced. I was watching Solid Gold with my cousins and my grandparents walked in on us. Abis blue black badan kena pukul ngan rotan :((

Angel Eyes said...

That was a very good memories indeed. TV... hmmm.. i seldom watch tv, if you see me watching tv that means i'm so free! Hahaa..

Dade Ghost said...

KH yup, those were the days.... I think in Singapore it was earlier...

Zet, what touches me was, why these people pay at that time.. I did not how poor were the villagers then....

KD dont talk about jamban then... even though there was jamban kampung, but I just shit anywhere I like..... ermm...

CG yup I am that old. Why la your grandparents beat u up? Just for watching solid gold... hehehe.. .u must have done more than that...

Angel, nowadays I dont watch tv...but when I do, I will watch for hours....

Dade Ghost said...

KH yup, those were the days.... I think in Singapore it was earlier...

Zet, what touches me was, why these people pay at that time.. I did not how poor were the villagers then....

KD dont talk about jamban then... even though there was jamban kampung, but I just shit anywhere I like..... ermm...

CG yup I am that old. Why la your grandparents beat u up? Just for watching solid gold... hehehe.. .u must have done more than that...

Angel, nowadays I dont watch tv...but when I do, I will watch for hours....

Da Winged Acrophobic said...

I find it very interesting that some of your neighbours leave behind 'payment' for watching TV. Did the practice last long?

Dade Ghost said...

DWA I think it lasted about a year. By then some other people had tv. We could afford the TV, but I think they gave the money to pay the electricity....

As I say it haunts me... I wish we were rich enuf.... I am still not rich... but would like to be able to help others....

Faze said...

why is it haunting you? i don't get it.

kawaii_desu said...

DG, how old are u? tua bangka tak kawen2 lagik (look who's talking) miahaha....

Dade Ghost said...

Missy, I was a kid then. I do not understand the villagers was poor, we were a little bit ok.... what haunt me was, y do they have to pay? I wish I have enuf to share with the unfortunate...

KD hehehe.... it is enuf that I am old.... if u see a dirty old man giving u a dirty look at the canteen, hey! It might be me! Hehehe.....

kawaii_desu said...

why dirty? i thought ur neat and tidy. old..?? i like older people miahaha huhuhu

Dade Ghost said...

Aku ingat aku terror menggatal.....
kwang... kwang... kwang...

Diyanazman said...

do u realize that u were in the cinema business? :)
great entry DG!

Dade Ghost said...

Di I never looked at it from that angle.

On a different topic but similar, I once when to an open cinema concept... where u actually brought along lazy chairs or mats to lepak all over the field to see a movie.... Ermm I think I want to expand on that idea....
