Thursday, February 02, 2012

MLM Sucker.

Does this face looks like MLM is written on it's forehead? I think so.... This week has been full of "Meniaga Larut Malam" meeting. This evening, another one of "these" meeting.

I think MLM is not bad, but those people that is doing it, either they purposely or misunderstood the MLM concept altogether, actually gave MLM a bad name.

Some of the MLM decided to reinvent their business. As the word MLM is now taboo in Malaysia (if not around the globe), these business has become networking business, referral programs, e-commerce etc.

As I said, MLM is actually not a bad business. Why? Lets start, why WE all hate it :
1) Annoying PEOPLE harassing us to join or promoting the MLM. These same PEOPLE promised us the Earth, Moon and Heaven. Do we belong to this guilty group, or can we make a difference?
2) WE (PEOPLE) have to sell, to PEOPLE. Most of us rather be online in FB or other social online groups, chatting and wasting lots of valuable time. Even just reading other PEOPLE's update do take some of our precious time. Why not use those online social group to our advantage and make the best of our very very precious time?
3) Its a Pyramid (Scam) as told by "experts" (These are PEOPLE). Does anyone noticed, that in any large business organisation, there are more supporting staff then, executives? More executives then managers? More managers than General Managers? And perhaps only one CEO being aided by another CFO. Draw the company organisation chart and it resembles a Pyramid! My God, that company must be a scam! And do we noticed that the consumers of the product or service users of that company, is usually so large? And these PEOPLE only purchase and use the products, no chance of making some side income.......

I can go on and on..... maybe some other time. I have been doing MLM for so many donkey years. Made some loose some. I have been doing other businesses too, like car wash, eatery etc. Made some loose some.
My conclusion, not everyone can do business. Same statement for MLM. MLM is just another way of doing business. Even in conventional business there are cheats .... so beware of PEOPLE. Stop blaming on the business.

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