Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Four Basic Human Interface

Finally my quest is complete! I have been looking for the fourth interface for ages, and it is so obvious, but not seen or felt by me. So I hope this sounds and feels right.

Base on my 1/4 theory, major things in our life is always broken into 4.  When we fail to comprehend this 4 basic human interface, that is where we usually does not get along with that person.

This is just a guide, as some of us have 1 major interface and maybe some minor ones. Those that have more than 1 major interface, might have problems with themselves. Maybe now, we can understand, why we have split personalities and so on.......

1) Seeing.
Some of us see better than the rest. We understand and grasp ideas or suggestion by looking. Words we mostly used are, "see", "colorful", "look", etc.
We make decision fast, base on what we see. We are easily bored when others talked too much. Action is our forte. Hard headed. See that we are the leader of the group.

2) Listening.
We understand better by listening. Sound evoke positive or negative reaction to us. Words that we most likely used are, "hear", "sound", "music", etc.
As long as we do not hear a sound idea or suggestion, we may not be able to make a decision. We are great story tellers. Love when people hear us, and being the center of attraction. Best work in a group.

3) Touching.
In order for us to relate to things, we must feel it. Seeing and listening helps us to understand better, but being touch and caress, will make us feels much better! Most used words, "feel", "hot", "cold", etc.
Difficult to make decision if we cannot touch the subject matter. Very emotional. Out of sight, out of heart. Bubbly personality. Heavy mood swings. Works well one on one.

4) Thinking.
The digital person. We understand better with numbers and sequences. Detailed person.  Love to use words like, "think", "digest", "make sense", etc.
At times perceived to be a slow decision maker. We need authenticated facts! We are excellence in making detailed plans. Reserved kind of person. The unseen mover of the group.

So, which one are we? Can we relate to our family and friends better, with this knowledge? Go deeper and you will find the secret of making lots of wonderful friends...... InsyAllah.


Nurul Abid said...

I was here....touching I loike!

Dade Ghost said...

Lets get in touch. Notice or not, touch ppl, when they are out of sight, they also will be out of heart. Ermmm.....

Anonymous said...

I was thinking whether my dream was related to what you've written ..ada seram,suka,duka,knowledge and foremost your writing makes me keep on reading from one to another .. keep on writing as you are not only reborn to die but reborn to write ..

Dade Ghost said...

Sis Nita, maybe I should write about dreams... but then again got to check, maybe long time ago, I did wrote about dreams....

Nurul Abid said...

Yes, yes...write about dreams...ur dreams and my dreams...

Dade Ghost said...

Nurul, I can write my dreams... especially my wet dreams. But how to write your dreams? Ermmm u mean our dreams? He he he...
