Monday, September 10, 2007

Crystal Ball.

Ever wonder what is going to happen in your future? Or you would like to know what will happen to you, maybe this year? In your career or love life.....

Sorry I do not have a crystal ball, but I felt like my future life flashed by on Friday. More of my career path. We had our usual board meeting. I am not supposedly be in the board meeting as I am not the board!!!! Hehehe....

For reason only my MD really knows I do sit in the usual board meeting. Actually become his "macai", running around for him, preparing for the agenda coming up or even answering questions by the board. Actually sat in the board meeting and answer questions that the MD cannot answer!

So last Friday, I guess my sins caught up with me.

The Chairperson of our company, actually questioned my MD if he has done any wrong doing in the company.......

Out of frustration a few months back, I told the chairman during one of my update session with him, about little little things that is questionable in the office. It seems he took it seriously and questioned my MD. He gave my MD 2 weeks to answer.

Guess who has to help the MD answer those allegations? No one other than me....

Remember I was the one who actually updated the Chairperson on the wrongdoings of the MD? Now I have to help the MD answer those allegations! WTF!!

Hehehe... that is not so bad. If I read the Chairperson meanings in between the line, he wants the MD to get him involve on the sharing of the "cake"!!! I am done for!!!

Been months I am so tension looking for a new job. Now looks like I have to hasten my plan.... or worst, the bosses will boot me out soon. Wish me luck people, cause this time I really need it......


Lady Gargle said...

I feel ya babe I feel ya. I'm not a Board member yet I HAVE to be in every meeting which is kinda annoying in a way arrrrrr

Dade Ghost said...

Hey Frank, welcome back.... Wa not a board member YET... u plan to be one huh?? Best of luck.... me... it will be just wishful thinking... hehehe...

kawaii_desu said...

i pity frankie!!! know her sufferings..

anyway DG, what the fish? u actually told the Big daddy bout ur MD's mischief and ur answerable 4 that? i knmow how it feels to be the scape goat and had to take all the bullets...

man.. u really need magic man...
one question though, DG, did u in any way got involved in ur MD's mischief?

JIE said...

Kena mandi bunga ni... ahak ahak :-P

Hey, this is a tough situation you're facing, hope it won't cost you your integrity - kot-kot now the Chairperson and MD try to induce you into taking a part of the 'cake' too.

Dade Ghost said...

KD it is the Malaysian way, u get punish for being good.... Nope I am not involve, that is why I dare to inform the Chairperson.

Jie, hehehe.... everybody has a price. Name me one person that has no price? (Careful of my question, it is a tricky one.)

kawaii_desu said...

how's ur MD doing? or should i say how r u doing now? i mean with answering to the chairman ni..
prepared r u?

Dade Ghost said...

KD I think MD is going to meet Chairperson privately this week. Then I will know my fate.

I might not have a job by Raya. Or I might have another job by Raya. In our life we can only try.

kawaii_desu said...

so sad... :(
