Tuesday, September 18, 2007

U Mobile.

Ah! I went to the MiTV launching of their 018 number! For a first timer attending some sort of launching by the Telco, I was quite impressed.

As I entered the venue, Manhattan Ballroom, Berjaya Hotel and Convention Center, there were already lots of people. Cant seem to recognise any of them. Guess it was not my crowd. Later I saw some of my former colleagues from IT industry.

There were clowns. Yeah actual clowns doing magic tricks and juggling, entertaining the crowd. But what caught my eyes were the "statues". Actual human acting like mannequin. I have to respect them to be able to stand still with their postures for so long. It must have hurt their muscles.

An interesting point, well the ladies were not so revealing.... but the men "statues" u can actually see the shape and size of their penis.... hehehehe.....

Later I saw that those "statues" were painted or wrote on by some individuals, with symbols of love, and encouragement....

Then the guest of honor turns up. He was only 40 minutes late... I have seen him giving his speech before. He does not mince his words, but somehow, I felt he is from a different era, but very comfortable in the future technology as he clowned and bashed the Telcos. Of course he got everyone's attention when he started his speech on "foreplay"....

What really impress me, was the 3D presentation. I felt (am) like a kampung boy! To see 3D we have to wear the 3D glasses. Nowadays, we dont have to. Looks like I am the one that is out of date!

I hope MiTV will deliver their offerings as promised, the convergence of mobile phone, internet and broadcasting. Well actually it is for all the Telco to deliver! And watch out for broadband packages and contents offerings!


kawaii_desu said...

this kind of ceremony is something that u cant find in normal gov. involved boring launching ceremony... 1 thing i like bout their kind of event is that it's unique, creative and lots to offer...

i wonder who's that officiate the launching tu...?

terrarosa said...

me? like to see the ppl who look at the "statue" rather than the "statue" itself ..

p/s dah ada dalam American funniest Home Video , the camera not aim to the "statue" but those old women who staring at it... keh..keh..keh.. so nex time beware !

Dade Ghost said...

KD u should know the guest of honor la.... He can be seen to be very close to Vincent Tan, actually looking at VT "pimpin" dia macam anak dengan bapak.....

Terrarosa... so u r a human watcher... U sure or not, u not watching the male "statues"??
