Friday, September 21, 2007

Got Hantu Meh?

Friday nights after Terawih I think is a good time for some lepaking. So I stopped at one warung. I was not in the mood to talk or chat up anybody, so I just lepak. Life has been tense lately, so lepaking seems not a bad idea (even though that I am still not done with a few papers).

I ordered teh O tarik limau. While waiting for my drink (I was alone) when I overheard a group of 4 people, beside my table, talking a little bit out loud and laughing. So I pasang telinga la.

Apparently there were talking about eerie things.... This group of people, from what I can make out were from Perak and Selangor which is near the Perak border. So it seems .....

a) People there practice Santau. Just to test their power, they will try it out on unsuspecting strangers that passed by their village or towns. I learned some pointers that night. To check if Santau is performed or not, touch the bottom of the mug or cup. If the drink is supposedly hot, but the bottom is cold, or the opposite, the drink is cold, but the bottom is hot, better NOT drink! Best to say your prayers to our prophet SAW before drinking, and if there is element of Santau, the glass will break!

Symptoms of Santau is that the person will vomit blood immediately after consuming drinks or food laced with Santau.

b) It seems Hantu Raya also prevalent there. One of them was telling how late one night on a motorcycle, a person that died that day, was actually in the middle of the road blocking his way. The person looked the same as the decease accept he smelled chicken shit! The other person then told the story how a man that already died, scratched the walls of his house, and they actually gave the Hantu Raya some food to eat! The next person, guess not to be outdone, told the story of how, they were walking under some trees, late at night when suddenly it "rained" heavily. As they looked up, they saw a guy peeing! It resembles a guy that just died in the village.

My drink arrives at my table. It was hot. And I rub the bottom of the glass, ermm it is warm.... hehehe.... and the stories continue....

c) It is also norm, for the older generation to have "harimau jadian" as a pet. The problem is always when the owners passed away. The pet disturbed the villagers, and some shaman will then convinced the next of kin to take the pet, and it has been that way for generation. Some powerful shaman can discard these pets, I heard.

d) The guy from Selangor then told the story of a great shaman in his village. This person is so great that even mentioning his name, pelsit will run helter skelter! So a couple of years after the great shaman passed away, one woman was taken over by the pelsit. So many shaman tried but to no avail. The husband was about to give up, when out off no where he says, I will bring (the great shaman name). And the wife fainted. The pelsit gone.....

Yeah the stories does capture my attention. But seems far fetched....

e) The guy was telling a story about this bintang 3 person. How he was chased by the British army from Kedah and hid in Selangor, somewhere in 50s and 60s. With his own eyes and ears, late one night he saw that guy prayed on a hill at the fringe of the village. After praying, he stood up, and start talking out loud. It seems he was talking to his relative in Siam! Not only his voice can be heard clearly, but the other person voice from Siam can also be heard. Wow, there were already wireless 50 years ago!!!!

By then I am done with my drink. My eyes was getting tired and sleepy. The group were still talking on the topics, but I have to call it a night. Paid my drink and walked to my car. All the way to my house, I kept remembering "Jangan pandang belakang".


trueblue said...

Aiyoh..scarynya. Kalau I, I tak nak dengar pun cerita2 tu... :)

kawaii_desu said...

biasalah DG, we are sharing the same space as they are...

i like to hear such things... i also always encounter some spine chilling moments at the office whenever i have to stay back...

earlier i blogged one story.. that was nothings compared to another...
or was it ur friend, DG?

Faze said...



behind you now?

Dade Ghost said...

Hi Trueblue an honour for u to visit my blog. Hey u sure u penakut?? Looks like u one brave and tough lady.

KD that is my friend la.... but ghost being ghost... u better watch out. U r one of those that can see ghost...

Missie I use to be frightened la... now... hehehe I think the ghost is frightened of me!

terrarosa said...

my teacher said that those thing come out somewhere in between 1-4 am , so i never stay up that late.. musuh jgn dicari !!

but these day , i afraid of "not finishing my work" rather than those ghost and their family
reputasi kena jaga !!

why other ghost frightened of DG ?
he did Terawih larr :)

kawaii_desu said...

yes... i agree with terrarosa...
it's the fear of not able to deliver or to accomplish my tasks had overpowered the fear of antthing here in this office....

but then in the midst of doing my work mmg ada la.... disturbance that i grow custom to...
DG, why u say i can see ghost? i never see DG anyway hehe..

again i agree with terrarossa, the others r afraid of u bcz u do terawikh (which i pathetically seldom do... waaaa)

Dade Ghost said...

TR la huh? Short form for TerroRosa... Hey u r more afraid of your boss than the ghost, that is great.... hehehe... I pun jarang gi Terawih....

KD u will see me one day, especially if u eat kat kantin bawah tu... Macam I cakap la, I pun jarang gi Terawih. Bila kesempatan....

trueblue said...

Nolah, I am a penakut when it comes to ghosts!!

kawaii_desu said...

ala DG, if i see u pun manalah i tau...

i slalu je turun... kat bawah tu...

terrarosa said...

DG ,
reputation , once you lost it , it's hard to gain it back..
i'm sure you do hav the experience kan ?

terawih = a good thing
jangan laa malu2 plak nak buat ...

Dade Ghost said...

TB have u seen a ghost that u r afraid of it??

KD u cari ler lelaki kepala terbakar tu I la... hehehe... nanti kalau I terserempak dengan u, I akan tegur u...

TR yup u better take care of your reputation... the good ones la... Bukan malu la.... dia start dengan M gak, MALAS! Ermmm.....

ili said...

yang saye blajola kan uncle,kalo ikut cara nabi SAW pegang cawan,tiga jari pegang badan cawan,satu jari kelingking kat bawah cawan..itu mmg utk tau minuman tu ade santau ke bende2 syirik..yang saye tau minuman yang ade santau panas tapi bawah dia sejuk...kalo sebaliknye susahla auncle..kalo atas dia boh ais..mestila atas sejuk bawah tak??
saye mmg penakut..tgk jgn pandang blakang pun menjerit2..hehehe

Dade Ghost said...

Ili tu ler kan... kalau atas ais bawah panas camna .... kekeke.... Dia org bagitaula paling senang minum kat rumah je! Ataupun bawa bekal sendiri!

Tengah bayangkan Ili jerit2 manja gan tersayang......

Memandangkan kamu datang sebulan sekali... SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!

ili said...

hahaha uncle..hubby saye marah jerit2 tgk crite tu..dia kate mcm tu pon nak takut,truk btol..
thanx uncle..SELAMAT HARI RAYA to uncle n family..

kawaii_desu said...

DG yo, tegoq jgn tak tegoq but u dont know my face hehe

anyway, another tip. kalau we go somewhere and depa serve ayaq and the drink, coffee for instance which is suppose to appear crystal clear kan? kalau u tgk dlm cawan tak nampak bayang2 u sendiri so tak yah minumla... ada benda lain tu

Dade Ghost said...

Ili sama2... minta maaf la kita kalau ada silap dan salah....

KD I know 1/3 of your face... so when I see ladies at the canteen, I close my eyes and see 1/3 of their face la... or better still I look for Diyana... hehehe.... Thanks for more tips on avoiding santau....
