Thursday, September 27, 2007

When was the last time?

As I sat on the prayer mat this morning, after solat subuh, I pondered. Yeah time flies....

I am not getting any younger. Life has been great to me. Of course there are minor hiccups, but overall, alhamdulillah.

I am grateful to live to this age. Grateful for all that Allah has bestowed upon me. Grateful to be able to see, hear and feel His wondrous world. As a human being, I do want more......

So when was the last time I thought about death? Just to share a secret with you all, I thought about death everyday. Thus I do really appreciate life.

I am sure most of you has been at the door of death itself, or knows someone that already died or dying. Ever try sitting or laying beside a dying person imagining it is you? Do try....

I am a coward by nature. So am I afraid of death? Of course I am. Who doesn't? There might be some out there who is not afraid of death, but they have good reasons, and yet when death stares you in the face, that is the time when you know your true self.

But not to worry. From my own experience, as we grow older like I am, time will train us to embrace death. Somehow, we will come to term with death. It is something that all of us must go thru.

As for me, I pray Allah spare me a long agony death when my time comes. Make it swift and quick. InsyAllah.

The reason I am writing all these? Just to remind myself, death does not wait for anyone. Maybe, I can learn together with you all on your perspective about death?


terrarosa said...

malaikat maut datang tengok kita 70 kali sehari , lebih kurang setiap 20 minit ..
so , apa yg kita buat setiap 20 minit dalam hidup kita ?
tapi kenapa kita takutkan malaikat maut kalau Allah bleh tengok kita 24 jam ?

selama ini dah 2 kali , w/pun takut sangat dan tak bersedia , saya 'terpaksa' redha tuk tinggalkan dunia tapi Alhamdulillah... DIA MAHA PENGASIH
dan sekarang ? saya cuba membalas hutang yg tak mungkin terbalas ...

p/s puasa.. penat nak buka kamus

Dade Ghost said...

Terra, nampaknya kamu telah melalui perbagai rintangan dan badai kehidupan. Allah lebih mengetahui apa yg terbaik untuk kamu.... Aku doa kan kamu tabah dan mengatasi rintangan2 tersebut......

Tak ramai yg mengetahui dan merasai kegetiran hidup, dan ramai yg belum melintasi ambang maut....

(Tak payah nak buka dictionary kan?)

kawaii_desu said...


tersentak sebentar when u opened this topic...
betapa leka dan alpanya diri ni...
used to ponder bout death and the life in the here-after...
that was quite some time ago...

when iwas very young my asthma used to be very2 bad that i really felt as though nyawa dah kat hujung tekak each time... to the point that i really felt afraid of falling sick again... but then that's not the only way death come knocking at ur door kan.

these days i was subconsciously realizing that i was racing to obtain all i need for my mortal life that i've forgotten bout the bitterness of being dead...

sebab tu sakit bagaikan kifarah, penghapus dosa because that's the time ur really vulnerable and nak muhasabah diri dan time tu lah u menderita...


Faze said...

gravely grim innit?

Dade Ghost said...

KD sama2 la kita belajar dan ingat mengingati...

Missie yeah... but it does make our lives beautiful.

kawaii_desu said...

allo friend wake up sahur...

Dade Ghost said...

KD alhamdulillah I have not missed a single sahur. This morning did not sleep till end of sahur.....
