Monday, September 24, 2007

Who am I?

Just like the title of a movie not long ago. A Jackie Chan movie if I am not mistaken. Somehow he lost his memory.

Well I did not loose my memory. But there are at times I do not really know who I am? And sometimes, I thought I am that kind of person, but the society sees me differently.

Let me try to remember the words my friends use to describe me:

ENIGMA (I had to open a dictionary to understand the word). I think, he described me that way because I was unpredictable.

A FRIEND. That is how most of my friends described me. Not A GOOD FRIEND, but just A FRIEND.

Other than that I have not heard them describing me anything else. This must be because they do not want to embarrass me or due to my reputation. In my younger days, my reputation supersedes me. One crazy daring young arse!

But to tell you all the truth. I see myself as a loner. Does not need any friends to survive. Done lots of crazy things on my own. Travel all over the world on my own... not all over the world la.... Maybe half of the world....

Not to say I do not have friends. During my teenager years, whenever we need to rumble, there will be at least 20 of my friends ever ready to go to battle. And yet, I felt myself to be alone. Then the only real friend I had was one person that does not speak much, thus I do not feel he is around me.

I grew up a coward. Yes, I should know myself right. So how did I become one with such reputation of daring, brave leader..... ermm... it is only an act... or as I say it a mask we wear in front of others. I do not consider myself brave, but rather stupid. I remembered an incident, 2 against 20 and we went for it! That was not brave, that was suicidally stupid!

For years I only see the negative things about myself. Till I reckon one day, if I do not take care of myself, no one else will. I am a loner most of my life. Well at least I am a happy loner.

I use not to understand when a person could not go to lunch on his own. To me its normal. I can have lunch sitting alone at the table, and it does not bothers me. So many times my friends asked me how I can do that? To me it is a small matter, I am hungry, I eat. Alone or with lots of people, I do not really care.

Another thing that I do not understand when my friends told me, how do I make friends so easily? I never told them, but it is something that I do without even thinking. I can talk with anybody. Simple, if you do not know what to talk about, you listen. I realised not many of us want to listen.....

So now I am building up my good qualities. Yet, who knows what mask we wear everyday? Cheers to all of you, and have a great life!


ubisetela said...

I have no problem eating alone outside, i do that most of the time. the only thing that bothers me when I eat alone is no one can help me finish my meal because I always makan tak abis.

Dade Ghost said...

Hi Ubi! Very long time u have not commented! Ermm I know u do visit this blog often.. thanks....

Hey do like me la, order half, and pay full. I dont like wastage....

trueblue said...

If I have to eat alone, I always tapau and bawak naik ofis. Segan pulak makan sorang2. But if I have something to read while eating, then oklah. And it depends on the venue. If its a quite coffee shop, then I can be alone.

trueblue said...

sorry..salah spell. I meant to type quiet :)

Dade Ghost said...

TB tu yg heran kenapa segan makan sorang2? I am not an England Teacher la.... so no need to bother with minor spelling mistake la....

terrarosa said...

me? b4 living with my mum , i used to eat alone for 5 years..
sometime where there no empty table , i just ask to join the other,
biasanya sebelum tu i beli tiket wayang dulu ,
ramai jugak yg tengok wayang sorang2..
well , alone doesn't mean lonely.

i have a mask that won't cry in front of my mum since i lost my dad n it's really hard to wear it b'coz any mum can read her children mind ,right ?

kawaii_desu said...

actually i pun biasa makan sorang2...
but since i terdampar kat PjH ni jadik seronok pulak makan ramai2... because i hang out with noisy group of friends... just tend to enjoy the company u know...

however there r time when i cherish my moments of being alone...

anyway,DG no man is an island daaa...

kawan menangis keliling pinggang but kawan menangis...???

carikla sampai hujung dunia... bolh bilang dgn jari kaki huhu

that's some of the bitterness in this life but cheerup...

at least u ade makwe...

dah la berbuka sorang2 kat opis...

Dade Ghost said...

TR sad to hear u only have your mother.... Ermm u eat and go to movies alone... guess it is ok....

Ello KD kawan ketawa keliling pinggang.... I am blessed to have friends and I dont judge them whether they want to cry w me or not.... But with some of them, we have gone thru thick and thin.... Ada awek best? Most of the time la kan.... but that is life.. kita kena bersyukur...

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

juz my curiosity (im afraid it might kill me) & and im such a straight forward person...

u ni dah kawen ke bang?

kawaii_desu said...

aphro: DG belom kawen... but kawen apa tu? hehe

dg, sorry la kawan gelak hehee....
silap la bro, posa2 ni mamai plak.

i do agree though, kalau semua kawan2 best bila nak belajaq ttg kehidupan??

Dade Ghost said...

Missy dah tua camni tak kawen camna?? Jawapan muktamad : Sudah kawen!!! Ni masaalah nya belum nikah gan gf aku lagi!!!! Sede aku sede wei!!!!

KD ok la gelak2 para penyelidik mengatakan ia boleh menambahkan hayat kita di dunia.... Thanks for being a friend.... Sedu aku (notice I do not use the word saya, saya for acquaintance. Aku for friends....teruk la kan? What to do I am like that).

Faze said...

Being alone does not mean one is lonely. I like travelling alone cos I don't wanna be bogged down by other people's indecisions or whatnots.

Dade Ghost said...

Missie I agree... Me I just enjoy traveling alone. So thrilling ....

kawaii_desu said...

kalau sesat sorang lagi thrilling kan kan kan?

Dade Ghost said...

KD hehehe... I pernah sesat pukul 1 pagi.... bila sedar jalan makin kecil and at the end was the grave yard.... It was more frightening than thrilling!

kawaii_desu said...

actually i was being sarcasticla dear. hehe...

mmg menakutkan kalau sesat di tgh2 mlm ni...

i lagi takut ancam org dr ancaman suku sakat u la DG...
