Thursday, September 20, 2007


Went back from my last meeting (and unofficial interview, I am looking for a job) at about 4 30 am. Cooked some oat meals for my "sahur". Managed to sleep for nearly an hour..... then fell asleep in the toilet for a few more minutes....

I guess that is why I am kind of sad this morning due to lack of sleep? I am a man, that I know (Yeah confirm, after actually looking down there!). But how come I do feel hurt at times? Men are supposedly to be bad... mean ...

Men, we bring miseries to women. We make life hell for women. Ask any women, I am sure most of them have met an MCP at one time or another. Well (looking down there again, this time groping it...) confirmed I am a man.

Sorry if my post today is incoherent and pretentious... it is meant to be that way, to confuse and frustrate all the women in the world.

But I am still a man. And this one special lady, how can she hurts me?? With all the qualities of men in me, how did she manage to hurt me..... at this time and moment of my weakness? When so many times I informed her of my fragile situation....

Years of happiness, castles built in the air, yet she does hurt me. And she dont have to say a word to run havocs in my heart and mind. Do I have a mind today. Nah! Just my rambling due to lack of sleep. Let me sleep over it.....

Hey! I am a man!!! Or I am a male..? So what, after all we are only human.... we do have feelings and thoughts.


terrarosa said...

yur blog, you can write anything you want to ,
to me it's like a show or any tv program , i can choose to read or not..
n i did leave yur blog for a few month ... n of 'course sometime yur post make me sick...
but ... who care !?

talking about a matter of heart ?
i hav no idea at all..
and i don't read any article about it , sorry i can't help u much !
but ppl said it's take two to tango ..( eventhough they can't dance ?? whatever )

Dade Ghost said...

Terrarossa u break my heart! U left my blog for a few months???

I agree u have the choice to read or not.... but to actually left it for a few months... I must have been so obnoxious!

My apology to u especially and to those that is offended.

terrarosa said...

u don't hav to apology coz at that moment i'm a silent reader that might be an angel , who can kill you with her words ,
but what to do , seem this angel don't speak ENGLAND much
you safe then :P

kawaii_desu said...


behind every successful man there's a woman...

but even the strongest of man fall because of a woman...

as mean as he can be, but they still have heart... either to use it, or not, to hear it of to simply ignore it...

maybe some of ur previos posts r bit scary for me but still u possess some quality in u... and u can be a good friend :)
cheer up...

if a woman (or women hehe) is able to hurt u it means she's special to u.or else why u bother kan?? means apart from being obnoxious and all... u choose to give space 2 ur heart...

everybody have their darkside including me... so dont feel so bad abt it...

i'm also very melancholic... it's gonna be 4am and i'm still in the office!!

JIE said...

Salam DG,

Man, woman, so what? We are all humans, we bleed red blood if we are wounded. Hang in there!

Bro, was the second time looking (and groping) really necessary? Ahaks :-D

Dade Ghost said...

TerroRosa, notice I have changed the spelling of your nick? U r an angel that can kill with your words.... I beg u .. not me please.... However, I still need to apologize, and I am sincere about it.

KD I got some quality meh??? I am just an MCP la... Hello friend, what u doing in the office at 4 am?? Malam Jumaat some more.... My friendly ghost in that building is eying u...

Jie, aku punya kecik kot...?? Tu yg kena confirm kan.... I know I am gross!

kawaii_desu said...

i know i'm naive, but MCP tu menatang apa? huhu

Dade Ghost said...

KD lesson for the day. Male Chauvinist Pig.... The male population that looks down on women as 2nd class citizen and usually treat them bad.

Faze said...

what happened? ur gf left u?

kawaii_desu said...

DG dear, do u look down on women? do u treat them badly? i think ur being nice to me, i mean all of us here... u respect us..

so ur not that ok?

Dade Ghost said...

Missie no la she wants some room to breath I guess.... So she tak layan gua ... but now ok kot? Hehehe....

KD sometimes I look down on them, and sometimes they look down on me, depending on the situation and position.... actually I ni perli orang lain la MCP! Read in between the lines in my posting..... Kita mana boleh kutuk orang lain... tapi tak salah cannon orang lain kan???

terrarosa said...

what's good about DG n his story ?
i) b'coz of him , i bought ghost rider cd.. Original !!

ii) i appreciate living with my mum and family More and More..
i know tang ni ramai yg jeles :)

iii) i start to open my DiCtionary again !?

aper lagi yer ? ok i accept yur apology

kawaii_desu said...

huhuhu... oooo... being sinister eih?
huhu if so, why on earth r u so melancholic?

Dade Ghost said...

TR u bought the original cd?? Wow! Thanks for accepting my apology. Hey, u know what I always think everyone is much better than I do, and so do you!

KD sinister?? That bad huh? Maybe... wakakaka.... Melancholia is one that I am seldom in, that is y when I am hit by it, I will write... to get sympathy... So do not be too worried. Hehehe... I am straight forward... To think of it, I mengada2!

terrarosa said...

DG , no wonder yur girlfren "tak layan" you lately , i think she know at that moment you memang mengada2 :P

Cik Puan Sri Quzz said...

ditch her...pick me...

(tu diaaaaaaaaa)

Dade Ghost said...

Terra yup she knows me better.... tapi kan nak tanya la kaum Hawa ni... kenapa pompuan dia macam yoyo mood dia??

Missy... Kamu la idaman jejaka Mesia, tapi aku tak sepadan dengan mu... (betul la, wa tak main2, wa sudah tengok lu punya gambar and baca lu punya blog)... wish life is simple... hehehe... serious pulak aku ni... padahal ko tu sedang mempersendakan aku!!!! Cis!!! Wakaka... gurau bulan posa takpe kan??? U my fren!

terrarosa said...

terra ? i like :)
sound sweet rather than TR (sound like Trex)

swinging mood ? in women ?
may be hav too much estrogens in our body... it can cause so many symptoms like

acceleration of the ageing process, allergies, breast tenderness, decreased sex-drive, depression, fatigue, hair thinning, excessive facial hair, fibrocystic breasts, foggy thinking, headaches, hypoglycaemia, increased blood-clotting, increased risk of stroke, infertility, irritability, memory loss, miscarriage, osteoporosis, pre-menopausal bone-loss, PMS, thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism, uterine cancer, uterine fibroids, water retention, bloating, fat gain (especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs), gall bladder disease and auto-immune disorders such as lupus and thyroiditis.3

see ? macamana kita orang tak moody ? what to do ? lebih2 lagi dalam umur 30-an , apa yg kita bleh buat, makan supplement dan control perasaan jer ler...
that's why i start to study about endorphin , a "good feeling hormone" that can be produce by eating "coklat" , excercise and sex (ehem2.. maksud saya yg halal)

so my advice , nikah ajer gan yur girlfren
atau dok diam dan senyum ajer bila dia marah , yg ni Ustaz yg ajo , tak tau laaa berhasil ke tak :)
good luck ...

Dade Ghost said...

Terra u sure u r not a doctor??? Kalau semua itu ada pada kaum wanita faham la..... Lelaki pun ada isu2 tersendiri.... kira list sama panjang la.....

Memang la nak nikah gan dia... tapi... tapi... nanti la lain kali aku cite....

Dok diam dan senyum?? Tak leh wei... kena pelempang den....

kawaii_desu said...

lelaki mmg...
bila cakap kawen laju..
cakap nikah banyak tapi dia...

Dade Ghost said...

KD nak nikah tu besar tanggungjawabnya. Bukan macam nak bela anak ayam.....

Lagipun... tak nak cite la... buat aku sedu je... Forget about it...

kawaii_desu said...

DG dearie...

what happened? apa yg sedih2 ni? care to share?
