Due to this car maker, more than 20 years ago, we Malaysian, can no longer purchase medium end automobiles at medium price!
After 20 years:
1) They still produce lemons. Sorry... they are producing better cars... but maybe 20% better than when they started... while other cars have evolved by leaps and bounds. Dont believe me, take a look at Honda City and Toyota Corolla 20 years ago and their equivalent model and compare it now!
2) They create plenty of jobs. Wow! But at the expense of around 50,000 people every month buying "cheap" but expensive cars. It looks cheap because we have to pay extra tax for imports models. The best part is, the same car is cheaper when we sell overseas! (Does not make sense! We Malaysian have to pay more locally, and we export better quality cars but lower price than local!) Now, there are in the news that the high end of this model, seems to be expensive to maintained.... that some state government is or going to change to more affordable Japanese models!
I am just pondering.....
a) If we have not embark on this national car, I think we all will be driving safer and cheaper medium end cars.... of course imported models, which will make some people jump on me saying that I am not patriotic.. .but hold on and read some more....
b) Look at the good side of more employment.... am I wrong to say, that actually if this national car was not born, the same numbers of jobs still exist, accept it is in the foreign (imported) car local industry... There will still be assembly plants for the imported models.... showrooms... etc.
c) Economically better with our own national car?? Ermm... I think we, Malaysian, have enough of subsidizing this national car! After 20 years, I am no longer proud of it's achievement. Sometimes I wonder... what achievement? Yeah I am driving one, not because of anything, but I can't afford the imported models... which if this car does not exist, I will be able to afford one. Am I making sense?
d) Is this national car a mistake? I think so. Look at the other national car, it seems there are doing a little bit better. Yet, I still believe, all national cars are not a good venture, after all, our population is (only) 26 million(Including the legal and illegal foreigners)! If it is really a mistake, can we please apologize and correct the mistake?
e) After 20 years, do this car still need government protection? Why not keep it as a memento, but let it be competitive with the other imported brand? Yes some smart Alex will say, other countries are protecting their automobile market too.... but look at how they do it. Better technology, advance machineries, superb handling... etc.
I think....
1) We should have a national product, but less ambitious than a national car. Some countries, make superb watches, or knives or electronic gadgets... etc. It still create a great economy and plenty of jobs. Be competitive in the global market. Better product should be sold to Malaysians, not sold cheaper to other countries and subsidize by local sales, which actually mean local are getting lemons and paying a bomb!
2) I love Malaysia, that is why I am writing this. let your common sense prevail. Just to look good, and you make your country men suffer? Yes, so many will argue, of all the great things that this national car have achieved (I wonder what? After 20 years, it managed to developed its own engine..... bravo.... to me it is like saying a chimpanzee managed to make it's own basic fishing rod, whereas, fishing rods maker nowadays have developed better and more sophisticated rods.)
My humble apology to those that still do not have common sense. Let all the bigotry be put aside. Have an open mind to all the possibilities to make each every moment much better in our beloved country Malaysia. Lets start to have some common sense.....