Thursday, September 13, 2007

May Your Fasting Makes You A Better Person.

Assalamualaikum to all my brothers and sisters in Islam. My prayers to all that is fasting today, and all that will fast this fasting month of Ramadhan. May Allah bless you all with all your prayers and make your wishes comes true. InsyAllah.

Wish I am an Ustaz, then I can give you all a better understanding why we are fasting. Other than of course it is requested by our religion.

What I understand is that, fasting is to make us a better person. Some of the things I can think of :

a) Appreciating those underprivileged people of their plights.
b) For us to control our wants and fancies. Not only our speech, sights and hearing.
c) For our health. Unfortunately some of us took the opportunity to have a feast every breaking of the fast.
d) For our monetary gain so that we can give more to those that needs it more than us.

I am sure there are more. Feels free to educate me and the rest. After all we are to learn everyday.

Last, my prayers to all that has not yet fast, I pray that you will start to fast. It is not for anyone else but yourself. I also pray that all mankind will live in peace. Amin.



Faze said...

I wrote this way back :

Wishing you a blessed Ramadhan.

Anonymous said...

why would you want to be an Ustaz just as to be able to give answers to why we fast and the understanding behind it? you dont have to be an Ustaz for that. go 'belajar' la. ustaz or no ustaz, does not seggregate one's deep understanding and knowledge in Islam, or religions as well.

Dade Ghost said...

Faze read your post. One thing I love reading your post, I will learn at least one new word. Where u go to school one huh??? I did not know dugaan = surmise. Hehehe.... now I know la....

Guile, ustaz got authority la to speak on religion. U dont expect ustaz to speak with authority on diseases, well unless he is a doctor ustaz.... What I am trying to say is, I belum belajar mendalam lagi, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan. Me imagining Guile with her hands at her hips scolding me, just like the film "ibu mertua ku".... smile Guile..... Dont take life so seriously....

kawaii_desu said...

perhaps u should find one ustaz or 'ustazah' to learn huhuhu

anyway... by fasting, ur mind is clearer... it give spiritual and physical treatment... usually this is how u can muhasabah diri kan...

but what i know fasting is abt giving up on ur nafsu and making sacrifices..

Dade Ghost said...

KD I am still learning... and it is great we can share knowledge and experience.....
