Sunday, September 16, 2007

Vanity Plates.

Yesterday first week of fasting, so I decided to go back to my village for breaking of fast. It is kind of sad and I felt so lonely everytime going back to my village. My parents no longer there....

But I would still go back whenever I could, especially the first week of Ramadhan. I can hear the walls echoing their talks and laughter while they were still around.... even if it is actually very quite. Maybe I blog about it some other time.

Back to the topic of the day. I was driving back when I saw this car. Its number plate TAH 1549. After a few seconds I was smiling to myself, I wonder who owns the number TAH 1?

Last week I saw on a BMW, MAK 1 somewhere in Taman Tun. Must be one brash tough guy. He must be proud of his achievement!

So long ago, parked in front of Medan MARA there was a Jaguar with a plate number MAT 1, if I am not mistaken.

And there was this Volvo with this number BCK 1100. Nothing fancy about the number. But the owner purposely put a very visible screw head in between the 11. So it looks like B C KHOO.

I have never seen it, but someone told me the story about the number plate BAB 1. The owner is actually smart and witty. He/she put it such that the BAB is on top and the 1 below. So it reads BAB Satu.

There you go folks, it is up to individuals who wants to be creative. Lets share your stories on these vanity number plates.....

Me... I was gunning for CBR 900. I guess some other lucky dude got the number on his CBR. Yeah I am biting my nails!!!!


kawaii_desu said...

DG, u org pahang ke? oooo
my plate p ler... but nice number...

anyway the number BAB 1 looks like BAB1 (that oink oink creature)


anyway, if u balik kg, sapa lagi yg ada? or ur by urself?

Dade Ghost said...

As u r a naive person, I will be truthful to u. I am not from Pahang. I wish I can have CBR 900, that is a motorcycle model. A Honda Fireblade. One of my favorite bike, but I cant afford it...

I came from a small family. All I have are mostly memories. The house at the kampung now belongs to my brother, but as he seldom goes back, I went back every month to re live the memories I guess......

I guess that u r orang Utara....

kawaii_desu said...

Haha.. model motor rupenya mana nak tau huhuh (cover malu)

what makes u think so (that i'm from the north)? hehe

Anonymous said...

actually, i've seen that plate number 'TAH1', it was written that way ok? gelak giler masa i first saw that. cant remember where i saw it.

Dade Ghost said...

KD Tak payah malu la... kan pompuan tak patut tau pasal moto.... I ingat la u orang utara... as your number plate is P and u look like anak mumi...

Hey Guile, now I can tell people that I actually have come into contact with the person that actually saw the plate number TAH1!!! Hehehe....

terrarosa said...

salam ramadhan ,
can i park my car here ?
what can we do with da plate ? besides to know about the loan or summnon ?
how about the status ? single/married ?
keh..keh..keh... i'm looking the owner of DAR 838

p/s i been reading yur blog for about a year.. but scared to involve n my eng. not that good but seem that it's ramadhan , i guess it ok la kan ?

Dade Ghost said...

Salam kembali. Ok wat my england oso not good la....

I think I better produce stickers to inform others whether the owner of the car is single/married/MBA.

Let me guess about u.... u r still single age below 40, just below 40.... am I right??

terrarosa said...

seem that we need to "reduce" lying during Ramadhan , i keep the answer after RAYA keh..keh..keh..

but i guess this website can count our age very well ..
if and only iffff.... we filling the user profile sincerely :)

* me using dic. to spell

kawaii_desu said...


How abt u DG?

Dade Ghost said...

Terrarosa tipu pun takpe. Takde sapa nak marah....

KD me? I am a descendant and origin of Indonesians....

kawaii_desu said...

Indo mali, talak sombong huhuhu... i keturunan taliban (serious grandmother from afghan)

Faze said...

has anyone seen PEN 15? :P

Dade Ghost said...

Missie have u seen it??

kawaii_desu said...

oit DG! posa2 pun nak melalut...
pantang ada topik, masuk je...

Dade Ghost said...

Ala KD... kamu budak lagi mana faham...

ili said...

hahaha haha..cant stop laughing..
by the way uncle ypur ayat "Ala KD... kamu budak lagi mana faham..." betol2 ayat pakcik2..kehkeh jgn marah aaa..buakn ke yang bley dapat single no ni macam 1 org kerabat2? the way saye tringin no plet ni PHY510(my job) ;)

kawaii_desu said...

ili: itulah pasal, balik2 KD kamu naive, KD kamu budak lagi huhuhu
camni budak ka? huhuhu
