Friday, February 09, 2007

The Goat Shed Is Finally Ready!

To cut price one can use second hand planks and timber.

This shed is 24 feet by 40 feet.

Zinc was used as the roof. Other materials can be used.

Sorry I have been very hectic lately. Too much company politics and the likes. I will survive! The picture of that beautiful flower I purposedly put it up there.... cause I like it! Hehehe.. I dont know what it is called.....

Hope to finish my paper on the goat venture in a months time. Will base the culculation and proposal from actual experience by my friend.


Diyanazman said...

the plant is called heliconia.
congrats on the completion of the shed...
ni kat area mana ni dade??

Nour said...

I like that flower too, you can see them sometimes in flower arrangements for formal functions etc..

CONgratulations ..nice job!

Dade Ghost said...

Diyana and Nour, congrats to my friend to la. Me I am still looking for some fund to built my own kandang kambing..." D Goat Farm".

Heliconia.... not familiar... but it is a beautiful flower...

Kandang my friend to dekat dengan Bangi lama... any of u interested I will get my friend to invite u ....
