He spent a lot of time checking around and talking to people on how to built the shed. The cost and materials used too. Finally, he decided to built a standard goat shed. Measuring 40 feet by 24 feet. It should be able to accomodate 80 to 100 goats.
So far my friend has about 40 goats. 50% Boer and the rest a good mixture of local goats. He has his business strategy which I am still learning and comparing with other ideas. Most people do the goat business for two market sectors : 1) Breeding and 2) Meat. Will elaborate all these when I have more knowledge.
On the average, a shed that size cost about RM 25,000.00. He managed to lower it down below RM 20,000.00. We all hoped not sacrificing anything. Lets see when it is done.
Well as for me, I learn a thing or two on building goat shed.... it sets me daydreaming, building my own goat farm someday. I will name it D Goat farm. Short form DG. That will be the brand of my farm and goats.....

emmmmbekkkkk! How many goats you plan to have? The farm will be named D Goat farm after you..and yr kambings?
I have cool names for them....you can call them...Cum-bing....Orgasm-bing..Sexam-bing..and last but not least, if you get one that is naughty..you can name it...Gelem-bing...after the sex gel that you're so interested in....amacam??
Hello KH, so early in d morning making me horny already ka???
I plan to have about 100 goats la... but that is just dreaming!
hey ya...never knew you had a blog till today..good job eh!
Hi Nour, thanks for dropping by my blog. Actually have been blogging since 2004 under some other nick.
I am blogging again... hopefully this one will last longer.
Hope to see u around, and will drop by yours too...
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