Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Warriors in a War Zone.

When I was young, war games had been my favorite. Whether playing in the orchard as the battlefield or those small figurines played in a miniature lanscape build beside my house... it was always fun.

Of course when I grew up, wars become something dirty. I understood, death is a huge part of war. Not to mention the sufferings and all those unthinkable atrocities that comes with it. No matter how diginified a war is, the casualty is just too much... compared to whatever positive values it brings.....

So for the past few days, I have been in the usual War Zone. For the survival of the company, we must defend our turf. And that means war with our "rival".

There is no longer a clear line, defining the good or the bad guy. How can I call myself a good warrior, when in the end there will be loosers? We are given choice, only to "kill" the "rival" or else we will be "killed".

The war has only begun, and more battles will come. The objective is to wipe out the "rival". Is it the only solution? Whoever wins the war, the casualty will be felt. Some will loose their job, thus creating havoc down the food chain. Some might even goes bankrupt..... some might even loose their mind......

I am feeling dirty. Its time to rethink of my future. Is it worth it? The war will go on, but I do not have to be the warrior in the battlefield.


Zetty said...

tak kira ke mana kita pegi pun, sure ada battlefield. some days sure kalah, some days kita menang.

Here's for hari2 menang!


Tynna said...

if you dun want to be the warrior in the battlefield...are you planning to lose Dade Ghost?

Dade Ghost said...

Zet, sometimes it gets too dirty. There r times u have to choose between your own company or your friends'?

KH not planning to loose.... but I rather be the warrior and the King! Hehehe......
