Friday, January 12, 2007

Finally its Friday!

I wonder if the heart or is it the brain is stronger?

My heart have been in turmoil lately.... I tried to numb my feeling, so that I can concentrate in my work. It does not work 100%. Managed to do some sort of work, but I was not happy with the results. I could have done better.

The brain knows what action need to be taken, but the heart, it longs for that feeling, that special feelings. The longing to be touch and caress.... to be love. Enough! It has to stop somewhere.....

I need both of them to work together, not against each other ..... and yet it is difficult. Looks like I got to lock the heart in a deep dungeon somewhere. It is getting to be so disobedient. Bye bye heart, I see you again, when you have come to your senses .......

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