First time taking a look at the goat and learning about it. Spent about 3 hours on the farm. I will try to relate what it was all about or my understanding.
A friend of mine wanted to rear goat. He has gone to see 2 farms, and was going to the third when he invited me to come along. It seems that I am supposedly knowledgeable in business. So I tagged along. Afterall, I thirst knowledge......
We arrived at about 9 am. It was a small farm. In fact there was only two infrastructure. One the goat shed, it can accomodate up to 100 goats at any one time, and the other a small shed for the sheppard.
I am a kampung boy, so the smell of goats does not really bothers me. Pleasantly surprise that the area and surrounding is not so smelly, but goat still smells a goat! However, there were lots of flies.
What intrigues me is towards the end of the visit. We were talking and haggling the price. You know how much a 4 months kid cost? RM 950.00 ! And the average price for a male Boer goat, like the one below, just cost around RM 3,500.00 ....... wow..... (For everybody's info, a normal 2 year old kampung goat now cost about RM 500.00).

A 2 year old male, well endowed with proven genes does fetch a good price. I dont really get it, but it seems this Boer has its ranking, whether one is a pure breed or mixed. Ranking was from F1 (imagine, at first I thought there were talking about car racing!) to F5. However, you may get more info on this thru the internet.
It does set my small brain thinking. Especially, when I was informed that the top line of a male Boer goat, like the one below, can fetch a price of RM 22,000.00 ! Now who is interested to rear Boer goats with me? Anybody out there can teach and give me more knowledge and experience on this??

So my friend concluded his deals purchasing 10 Boer goats. 6 kids at RM 950 each. 3 F3 females at RM 1,600.00. And 1 F4 female at RM 1,800.00, this one was supposedly a great buy, it was pregnant.
Overall, I enjoyed the visit and the knowledge I got was an eye opener. The goats were very tame, you can stroke them and even talked to them, like I did. I will be learning more about goats. Was told there are hundreds of goat species. Who knows soon I will be a sheppard?
..and i cant afford to rear a goat then..on another note, how was your conversation with the goat?
Dun worry, I am writing a simple paper to do goat business.... n it will be affordable to all....
Hehehe... it is soothing having conversation with the goats... while u stroke them... I think they make good pets...
makcik memang tgh buat plan nak bela kambing ni. cuma problem takde org nak jaga kambing 24hrs a day. camne tu?
Zet no hal, the one I went to, they even provide the kandang.
They charge something like RM25 to RM 35 a month for the upkeep in their kandang for each goat. That is including labor, feed and stud services. Extra will be medicine.
Will let u know when I have done a paper. Meanwhile I will go to a few more goat farms.....
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